Don Thurston Blog

The Bear Nation – Update

Time for an update from The Bear Nation. You will recall that the Nation emerged as a liberal democracy under unusual circumstances

The history stretches back several centuries when a neglected Goldilocks broke into the empty house of the Three Bears seeking food and shelter. She was very successful, eating the hot cereal belonging to Baby Bear, sitting in her chair and falling asleep in her bed. When the family returned, early reports say that Baby Bear inquired loudly “who has eaten my porridge sat in my chair and is now sleeping in my bed”?

When the ruckus woke Goldilocks, she made haste to an open window and fled into the forest.

Seemingly not the usual spark for the creation of a new nation, Mother Bear, already an advocate for the under privileged, assumed a leadership role for the care of economically and socially challenged youth. Making a long story short she established a reputation that took her on a journey to senior political leadership. Her skills and ambitions set the early foundation for a new country complete with common values and ambitions.

After three centuries and many stops and starts the Bear Nation federation emerged.

The population grew and diversified.  Seven out of eight of the world’s bear species immigrated to the Nation as settlers and refugees. Over an extended time, which continues to this day, they dispersed widely, settling in ten distinct regions at different times and under dissimilar contractual conditions. A central governing body held sway over a variety of issues established to deal with ones common to all.

Hence the Federation operates under differing agreements. Commonality exist in such matters as defense, criminal law, and currency. Conflicts over many concerns continue in dispute.

Needless to say the economies differ across all ten, regions primarily because of their history and geography. Objections continually to emerge based on equality among the differing regions, the degree of control by the central governing body and when policies seem to disadvantage certain regions over others. Compounding the degree of angst is ever changing economic, cultural and political circumstances which aggravate relations among regions and among regions and the central jurisdiction.

The current conditions capture certain very important ingredients which call for specific attention.

One region has chosen a path to repudiate many of the influences thrust upon them by the central governing authority which are viewed as unjustified. This path would allow this region to ignore laws that are not in  their best interests. By implication the region can build a legal structure favoring their citizens and rejecting anything that is not.

Secondly altering a tried and true method of appointing judges to the senior court of the region is granted to regional authority. An outcome could well morph into the selection of judges very much inclined to rule in favor the political tenure of the day.

Part of the revised constitutional and operational proposals is the establishment of a regionally based police force. Is it just happenstance that this accompanies revised laws that suit the regions definition of law and order?

Not necessarily the final idea but some degree of control over the public press has been suggested.

Any student of political science can easily identify constitutional revisions similar to this road map and the pitfalls along the way. And so it is that attention by experienced and knowledgeable citizens has identified this route to political domination has been applied in the past.

The first measure is to identify enemies from without and lay blame on them for their internal problems. Alongside is a barrage of legislation which will solve these issues.

A vital next step is to gain control of the judiciary such that the top court will rule, favoring the government of the day.

The next measure has been to exercise strong measures influencing the police forces.

Finally the press will be continually chastised for intentional misrepresenting the stories of the day.

Seldom, if ever, derivatives of the path have ever been implemented in a short period time nor all at once.

For the benefit of bears everywhere, THE BEAR NATION has to head off this particular journey at the pass.

Thanks for reading!

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