Don Thurston Blog

The Bear Nation Today

The BEAR NATION continues to evolve and mature, even while the complexities of sustaining any federation requires constant review and revisions.

A refresher…..the BEAR NATION is the outcome of Mother Bear’s tenacity in the creation of a fair, diverse and welcoming environment.

The Goldie Lock’s affair spurred her into leading the way into the creation of agencies dedicated to social services.

The story of The Three Bears focused on the precarious situation when a young female bear had to resort to crime for survival. Mother Bear was alarmed by the absence of any agencies concentrating on juvenile crime.

Her leadership quickly expanded as she provided creativity and leadership in addressing all manners of social, environmental and health issues. Over time political issues surfaced, crystallizing the building of the BEAR NATION. Today Mother Bear is credited with founding what has become a vibrant nation in its own right.

Substance and stability are in place as result of a sound governance structure reflected in THE BEAR NATION’S Constitution. Central to this document is an oversight of the responsibilities of a governing body that are common to all the NATION’S bears. Over an extended time ten groups have evolved as DOMAINS. Each one is responsible for the management of issues that are best suited to individual DOMAINS.

Responsibilities of the NATION are to oversee things that effect the entire country such as postal services defense, money and banking, diplomacy, the Supreme Court, passports, federal income tax and employment insurance. Recently a universal health care system was incorporated into a commitment for a federation wide health care system.

DOMAINS joined the NATION at widely different times reflected in the terms and conditions of each agreement. DOMAINS oversee education, resource development, education, in some cases policing, civil law, and internal transportation systems.

Flexibility has long been a cornerstone. At the same time unity of purpose serves bears from all DOMAINS very well, resulting in a robust federation.

A revision to the constitution was sparked by a policy of equalizing standards of living across the nation. For example all citizens of all NATIONS would have access to the same level of veterinary care financed by the DOMAINS of the day who were benefiting from a comparatively strong prosperity. In short, a program to equalize the economies of all the DOMAINS in the NATION.

One particular DOMAIN, THE BROWN BEAR, has chosen to take umbrage with many initiatives introduced by THE NATION. This particular DOMAIN believes that the NATION challenges their perceived sovereignty and far exceeds the original mandate. An example follows.

THE BROWN BEAR NATION, over many decades has developed a very excellent and prosperous beef cattle industry. So much so that other domains specialized in other economic sectors, relying on BROWN BEAR as their supplier.

At the same time the beef cattle industry established a global export business, creating a major part of BEAR NATION’s prosperity. The outcomes are relatively consistent in that the BROWN BEAR NATION frequently contributes in a large manner to the NATION’s overall economy.

Export revenues are the largest contributor and generate a positive balance of payments. To be sure the territories occupied by the BROWN BEAR NATION are exceptionally productive. Coupled with a worldwide increase in demand for meat products bears of THE BROWN BEAR DOMAIN prosper and particularly in comparison with bears resident in other DOMAINS. A barrage of information perpetually announces how important the industry is to the wellbeing of the NATION.

During the past two decades new processes have emerged for the production of meat. There are two broad categories. Best described as vegetarian meat and cultured meat, both bypass the conventional source from animals. Vegan meats are made from plant based products like vegetables and lentils. Cultured meat is produced using a process called tissue engineering. It is a form of cellular agriculture where meat is processed by cultivating animal cells.

Both methods present radical changes to a very large global industry. One draw back is that a kaleidoscope of vitamins and minerals from animals are not necessarily included in vegan and cultured meat. Production methods are radically different in that the animal component is eliminated and the “new meat” can be manufactured anywhere. Vegan meat requires agricultural land to grow the needed crops, while the cultured meats requires production facilities only.

In both situations large spaces are unnecessary for raising animals. The long standing dynamics of the meat industry are undergoing revisions. THE BROWN BEAR DOMAIN’S economic base is changing because meat can be produced anywhere and everywhere.
The BEAR NATION is vigorously pursuing the research and development required to build a competitive position in a fast changing food production industry. Incentives include an array of taxation, grants, loans and regulations. These are not universally embraced by existing providers and those with political inclinations that oppose extensive government participation.

At the same time the traditional meat producers are fostering aggressive initiatives to discourage this fast growing interloper. Among the many objections are cost, dietary deficiency, loss of jobs, and limited supply.

The politics loom large. THE BROWN BEAR DOMAIN is strident in opposition to the BEAR NATION’S interference. Their aiding and abetting is well beyond the NATION’S mandate.

While very early in the protein directly from animals to protein from vegetables and from manufacturing facilities international agencies are very much involved.

Still in the incubator stage, the protein revolution is now understood as a major change with significant potential. Intervention from entrenched suppliers is increasing, incentives from governments expands at every turn and the ranching industry is facing competition as never before.

BEARS in the BROWN BEAR DOMAIN are paying attention as they ponder outcomes that may reduce employment and growth. The DOMAIN’S government seeks to thwart the changes….in particular, facing off against the BEAR NATIONS policies that encourage the evolving nature of the meat industry.

Thanks for reading!

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