You Can Fool Around With Highway Signs But Leave My Pension Plan Alone
/in Corporate Insights, Economic Insights, Industry Insights, Musings, political insights /by DonThurstonAdminWHAT CAN WE LEARN FROM THE HISTORIES OF CHANGE AND INNOVATIONS
/in Corporate Insights, Economic Insights, Industry Insights, Musings /by DonThurstonAdminStories abound about the evolution of new ideas, new products and new services.
Frequent reminders include adapt or perish, change or be swallowed up, relinquish the old and move to the new or become a relic.
Equally prominent is the constant reminder that the rate of change is greater than ever before; the magnitude huge by comparison and the outcomes substantial.
Technology Folklore
/in Economic Insights, Industry Insights /by DonThurstonNathan Misanthrope was sleeping soundly, exhausted from a whirl-wind tour of his many businesses. His rest was interrupted with the shadowy arrival of Emily Caruthers, a previous partner, now deceased…..