Mount Pleasant Don Thurston

T’is the season for forecasting

Waldowski  electronic

Clime and brother — multi flavoured choco;ate

Thad Fagerheum   food costs and agy industry

Gun control stuart mckenzie

Stock market


Canada on the world scene

Sheila food costs

the worls is getting smaller

constant changes in the economic landscape

the only function of economic forecasting is to make astrologists look respectable

Mount Pleasantites relish the opportunity for informal conversations about issues influencing their daily lives. The venue was over lunch at Sheila’s Bistro, the subject was the outlook for 2013.

Larry Quong, Mount Pleasant’s Chairman of  the Police Commission expressed his intense concern about gun control, citing recent trageties. A shooting within city limits remains in dipute.  Stuart Mackenzie, Northern Outfitters owner appreciates control measures without restricting his big game guiding service.

Short description of issues ie guns, flavoured chocolate, stock market, food prices, currencies, broad economic issues,

Quick quotes about forecasting

Required to answer questions about the future

Best comprehensive plan ( or not )

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Mount Pleasant Don Thurston
Mount Pleasant Don Thurston
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