Mount Pleasant Don Thurston

Geraldine’s Best Wishes from Mount Pleasant

The good citizens of Mount Pleasant gathered for their annual Winter Gala. Beginning nearly one hundred years ago, festivities include winter sports, music, drama and a huge pot luck dinner. To set a cheerful tone for the approaching New Year, the Mount Pleasant Observer sponsors a contest. Participants are to provide quotes, jokes, questions and sayings that lighten the day. Following are some of the entries.

Why do they call red blueberries green?

Have you ever been tempted to take out your credit card from the charge machine even though the instructions are to return to the vendor? How does the machine know who removed it?

How about a financial analyst saying the investor hates uncertainty?  Markets exist only because of uncertainty.

Sometimes a label appears on a duvet saying do not remove this label. Have you ever done this anyway? Anything happened to you as a result?

Why does frost form on a windshield when the ambient air temperature is above freezing?

Road signs such as “Hidden Driveway Ahead” are puzzling. If it is hidden how do you know when you have passed it?

When asked how far can you go into the woods, what is the answer?  How about half way, then you start coming out.

What is it like to become part of a visible minority?  Try turning sixty five. One day you are inclusive and the next you are part of a visible minority yet you are exactly the same person.

If there are no goals scored in a hockey game does that mean there is no score?

In baseball the winning run is the one scored to put you ahead to stay. How is the winning goal in hockey determined?

If you have a group of people, each from a different visible minority, what do you call the group? How about calling them for supper?

Who delivers the message is as important as the message.

If you are inclined to research capital markets go to the Bank Credit Analyst, the Economist and Value Line. As Frank Sinatra said “There is Ella, Mel and me; that is all there is.”  (Author’s note; good things happen in threes.)

Is absolutely correct more correct than just correct?

Good goal tending is 100% of the game when you do not have it — Thanks to Harry Neal, not Yogi Berra

William Hearst is quoted as saying, “News is what one person does not want another person reporting about, everything else is advertising”.

Stan Freberg has passed away. His creative ability navigated him though a career in humor, advertising, authoring and music composition including Green Christmas. A favorite was an assignment to brand pit-less prunes.  The by-line was first the pits then the wrinkles.

Political science and military intelligence are the pathfinders in the oxymoron world.

Who said “I know less and less about the thing I know the most about”?

Most signs indicating people crossing seem to be men only. Where do ladies cross?

Who said “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain”?

Quoting Geraldine.   “We are thankful for the blessings of 2015. Hugs , kisses and the best for 2016.

Thanks for reading!

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Mount Pleasant Don Thurston