Don Thurston Blog

The Bears Attack

This chapter features an analysis of issues now emerging from a dissenting group within THE GRIZZLY DOMAIN. Their initiatives focus on changes imposed on their DOMAIN both internally and by the BEAR NATION.

The dissenting group is known as THE BEAR ALTERNATIVES now commonly referred to as T B A.

The group has adopted a constitution complete with mission statements, objectives and a Board of Directors. Broadly speaking the mission is to legislate laws, regulations and rules that reflect freedom from external forces and a return to a political environment that reflects historical conditions.

Board Members include Cindy (Chair), Lawyer and Partner in Cindy and Yogi; Smokey, the District Fire Marshall; Gummi Owner of Gummi’s Confectionary; Winney a Veterinarian; Teddy a retired Doctor; Koda, a concerned citizen.

This topic is, as expected, garnering a great deal of interest. A national news organization dispatched Baloo, a cub reporter, to gain insights into the T B A.

Baloo was invited to attend a special meeting of the Board. In short order she learned that members believe that the BEAR NATION is eroding social, political and economic freedoms.

First off Cindy went back in history, pouncing on the decision that joining THE BEAR NATION was a serious error in the first place. Self-determination became history. She advocates for changes that will define who is in charge and of what without referencing the Bear’s Den Court.

Smokey was next up, proposing a Board Resolution that clarified the Natural Resources Act. The clarification would include any air born or water born ingredients generated in the GRIZZLY DOMAIN and transported out of the DOMAIN could not be influenced by other members of THE BEAR NATION. This includes particulates and gases resulting from combustion. Water ways and lakes were excluded. The original Natural Resources Act was focused on control of natural resources by each of the DOMAINS. Seemingly this was reasonable but did not foresee the migration of harmful products of resource development into other domains and elsewhere for that matter.

Gummi has long harbored a mistrust of the centralized control of money and banking. She reminds fellow Board Members by the NATION’S Supreme Court decision of the illegality of the GRIZZLEY DOMAIN’S control of all things financial. She believes monetary and fiscal policies are rightfully a DOMAINS responsibly. The Bear Den’s court decision should be reversed.

Winney is focused on the influence be external agencies over the possession of fire arms. His heritage can be traced back to an era when self-defense was an issue and to be armed was a necessity. These conditions that might justify the ownership of weapons during that era with a major capacity to wreak harm but certainly not presently.

Medical treatment concerns are a passion of Koda. She believes that an individual’s body is sacred, not to be tampered with until she says so. In her clarification she demonstrated absolutely no concern about the absence of vaccinations and the possibility of transmitting disease.

Conversations took several directions indicating just how inclusive the revised governance structure might become. Gender and ethnic diversification were called into question and capital punishment remains an alternative to control crime. Baloo was stunned to by a discussion of eugenics, once included in the GRIZZLY domain’s policies.

The question remains, if T B A were to ascend to a party of influence how would implementation be accomplished. Cindy offered some ideas such as within a Charter of Bear rights, a revised Constitution or withdrawing from the BEAR NATION altogether.

Baloo expressed her gratitude for a frank discussion, departing quickly in preparation of a document sure to be carefully studied by bears across the NATION.

Thanks for reading!

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